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HGV on Downside Road

Highways issues, including road maintenance, resurfacing and pothole repairs, are the responsibility of North Somerset Council (NSC). NSC is also responsible for transport planning, road safety, parking controls, cycle routes, street furniture, street names and numbering, public rights of way, travel cards, the drainage from road surfaces, and for ensuring that gullies are free from obstruction. As you will appreciate this responsibility is wide ranging, with further information on NSC’s website.

The Parish Council has no direct responsibility for most highways issues but works closely with NSC, particularly through our Area Officer who acts as a link between the Council and the various NSC teams and officers who work on highways matters.

A parish council can by law provide and maintain bus shelters, provide parking for vehicles and cycles, provide lighting for roads and public places, provide traffic signs in certain circumstances, repair and maintain footpaths and bridleways, and provide funding for certain transport related schemes, although most highway infrastructure and transport schemes are fully funded by NSC or Government. In Wrington, the bus shelters in Broad Street are both Council owned.

In recent years, we have obtained funding for two schemes to enhance pedestrian safety and provide improved access to the bus stops and local facilities on the A38 at Cowslip Green and in Redhill.  These both included an island in the centre of the road and footway improvements.

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