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The Council is regularly invited to comment on consultations, with most of these open for public comment.  We do not comment on every consultation although all are considered.  If you would like to see the Council’s comment on any particular consultation please contact us.  Planning applications have a different consultation process, please see our Planning Applications page.

Live consultations:

There are currently no live consultations.

North Somerset Council – Rural Strategy 2024-28
Closing date 31 May 2024

North Somerset Council – Parking Management Strategy and Action Plan Consultation
Closed 7 May 2024

North Somerset Council – Waste Consultation
Closed 7 May 2024

North Somerset Council – Public transport improvements – Churchill
Closed 5 April 2024

North Somerset Council – Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy (2024-2029)
Closed 28 March 2024

North Somerset Council – Draft North Somerset School Place Planning Strategy- 2024 – 2027
Closed 15 March 2024

North Somerset Council – Wraxall and Failand Neighbourhood Plan Additional Regulation 16 Consultation 
Closed 4 March 2024

North Somerset Council – North Somerset bus service
Closed 31 January 2024

North Somerset Council – North Somerset Local Plan 2039; Pre-submission Plan
Closed 22 January 2024

North Somerset Council – Corporate Plan and budget 2024-2028 consultation
Closed 10 January 2024

North Somerset Council – Review of Local List of Planning Application requirements
Closed 5 December 2023

North Somerset Council – Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Document
Closed 27 November 2023

North Somerset Council – Wraxall and Failand Neighbourhood Plan
Closed 17 November 2023

North Somerset Council – North Somerset Corporate Plan and budget development
Closed 16 October 2023

North Somerset Council – Clevedon seafront and Hill Road review
Closed 25 September 2023

North Somerset Council – Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs)
Closed 30 July 2023

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