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Meetings & Minutes

Parish Council and Committee meetings are formal events. They have a clear purpose – to make decisions – and are not just forums for discussion. It is the Chair’s responsibility to ensure that effective and lawful decisions are made at Council meetings. Decisions are generally taken by agreement and where necessary by a vote; in the event of a tied vote, the Chair has a second or casting vote. The Council meets on the third Wednesday each month (apart from August when there is no meeting) and the Planning Committee on a three week timetable. Other meetings are arranged as and when necessary.

The Annual General Meeting of the Council is usually held in May, except in an ordinary election year when the meeting must be held within 14 days of the Councillors coming into office. The business transacted at this meeting is as follows: the election of the Chair and the signing of the acceptance of office, the election of the Vice-Chair, the appointment of Members to each of the Committees and to outside organisations. All meetings usually take place in the John Locke Room. Agendas for Council meetings are displayed on notice boards at least three clear days before the meeting.

Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting is not a meeting of the Council, it is a meeting of the parish electors.  However, arrangements for the meeting are made by the Clerk.  The Chair of the Council calls the meeting and, if present, should chair it.  The meeting is generally held between 1 March and 1 June.    The Minutes of previous meetings are available below.

Meeting Dates & Minutes

Future meeting dates are available here, with the Minutes for Council and Planning Committee meetings available below (in PDF format).  Minutes for 2013 and earlier are available via the Wrington Village website or through the Council office.

Parish Council Planning Committee Annual Parish Meeting
15.01.25 09.01.25

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